With social media and digital cameras, street style fashion
photography has seen an explosion in interest and popularity. But the very first fashion photography
was actually a version of street style.
Three brothers at a Paris racetrack started taking pictures of society
women in designer clothes, and thus began what grew into a cultural phenomenon
of looking at photos to see what others were wearing.
No longer confined to society women, though, the current
street style scene is both more democratic and even more personal. No two people out on the street are
dressed exactly alike. Sometimes
the uniqueness is big, sometimes more subtle. Sometimes it’s torn jeans and tattoos; sometimes it’s a pair
of vintage shoes complementing a minimalist look.
The power of street style fashion photography today lies in both
the power of individual style, and the power of digitally sharing it with the
world. It’s no longer solely about
fashionistas in New York, London, Milan, or Paris. Noteworthy style of all different kinds is everywhere--you just have to look.