When I saw this from a Vogue Japan editorial...
...I thought, that coat is the best use of gingham I've seen in a long time, maybe even ever. Gingham has a hard time rising to a level of being sophisticated, let alone elegant, but this coat seemed to magically defy the odds and do just that. For a brief moment, I had no rockabilly tunes in my head, no thoughts of cowboy shirts, and no visions of tablecloths. I had seen what gingham could be.
But a day later it all came crashing down when I saw this:
Same coat, in a campaign by the brand itself, Prada. Suddenly, I didn't know if I even liked the coat at all. It looked kind of cheap and out of place and...back to looking like a tablecloth. And since Parda's runway presentation looked similar, it wasn't some mistake.
Why the brand's own marketing could misfire so horribly, while a magazine editorial gets it just right is a mystery for another blog post. Here, I just wanted to share the lesson I take away from it: all your planning and re-doing and even arguing during
pre-production matters, and it matters a lot. It's not just going through the motions, it's the difference between making clothes looks fabulous, and making them look less than they could be.
The point may be obvious, but it's also easy to forget.
...I thought, that coat is the best use of gingham I've seen in a long time, maybe even ever. Gingham has a hard time rising to a level of being sophisticated, let alone elegant, but this coat seemed to magically defy the odds and do just that. For a brief moment, I had no rockabilly tunes in my head, no thoughts of cowboy shirts, and no visions of tablecloths. I had seen what gingham could be.
But a day later it all came crashing down when I saw this:
Same coat, in a campaign by the brand itself, Prada. Suddenly, I didn't know if I even liked the coat at all. It looked kind of cheap and out of place and...back to looking like a tablecloth. And since Parda's runway presentation looked similar, it wasn't some mistake.
Why the brand's own marketing could misfire so horribly, while a magazine editorial gets it just right is a mystery for another blog post. Here, I just wanted to share the lesson I take away from it: all your planning and re-doing and even arguing during
pre-production matters, and it matters a lot. It's not just going through the motions, it's the difference between making clothes looks fabulous, and making them look less than they could be.
The point may be obvious, but it's also easy to forget.